Thursday, January 21, 2010

Martha, Martha, Martha!

Yes, I'm talking about Martha Stewart...although I have had my issues with the lady in the past, I discovered something about a month ago that had me praising her name!
About a month ago I was trotting through home depot to get the trimmings for my "Snoopy Station" (pictures coming soon....I swear), when I came across these bad boys:

Martha Stewart has an eco-friendly cleaning line!They are made from 99% plant and mineral based biodegradable ingredients. As a bonus, they are EPA Design for the Environment certified. Bonus: they are non-toxic so my sweet Snoopy can stay safe. Even though they're SLIGHTLY on the pricier side, I had to give it a shot. I tried the Bathroom Cleaner and can I say...A+!!! It's my favorite cleaner right after Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser (....Dear ecofriendly magic eraser for you line??.......pretty please??). I'm definitly recommending this to all that are trying to make their home a safer environment. So what do you guys think?? have you tried it yet??

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