Thursday, November 12, 2009

Zack's Study Room: part 4

So this one might be boreing but it did add quite a nice touch to the room. I LOVED the paint color we put on Zack's study room ("camelback") but once the paint was up, I didn't love it as much...and then I figured out why. It was the awful red tiling clashing with the beige
Well I was poor so I couldn't redo the tile...but I did remember that my mom had some offwhite carpet scraps from our house in Magnolia. So being the lovely mother that she is...brought them up! One problem...I never messed with carpet in my life.... Luckily, my AMAZING boo, Zack help me cut the carpet with BOXCUTTERS (not as fun as it sounds). We started with 2 long strips and cut it down to use EVERY piece exept for one corner.
Like the action shots of my little helper?? ok...the pieces are cut and fit perfectly...what's next?? Taping them together! Leave it to a young lady to Arkansas to flip it upside down and put it together with duct tape....for the worked perfectly, thanks. step.. 3:carpet tape! Because this was a small room, all I did was lay the carpet tape about 1" away from the wall all the way around the room. Finally...the door wouldn't open over the carpet. so I cut a half circle to fit the door swing perfectly (so not TOO much of that hideous tile was exposed.
So what do you think???? Do you guys have any better or cheaper ways to cover up the tiles?? Do tell!!

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