Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Orange, Black, and...Green?

Random thought: For some reason writing that title made me think of Ireland...but nope, it's for Halloween! A green Halloween that is!
**This image was found here**
You may remember last year's green Halloween post...but you probably don't. I created a list of things you can do to save mother earth while saving the green in your wallet, as well, during the holiday. I decided to come back with a few more for this year.
  1. Get crafty when decorating by buying biodegradable foods at your local Farmer's market. I know that colors don't always suffice (I just happen to HATE orange) so try painting them white and then adding black designs with eco-friendly (low VOC) paints.
  2. If you're throwing a Halloween party, try doing a spread with healthier options like Salsa, hummus, or..yes, if you must have them - sweets. Just try to display them in a wash-n-reuse container instead of having individually wrapped candies and "party bags."
  3. If you just can't bare the thought of recycling a costume or don't have the time to make your own -- please...don't get a plastic costume. If you wanna me a mustard bottle...there are other options besides plastic (did I just think up my costume this year?? hmmm...)
  4. Try organic or eco-friendly hair and makeup brands. You can probably just get them at Target.

Simple enough, right? How about all my eco-nerds out there...tell me some I might have missed!

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