Monday, October 25, 2010


As you would probably expect...this week Over the Rainbow is throwing it all over to Halloween. We are already in spirit in my abode.

*taken from my "Thriller" dance performance

*Snoop "THUG LIFE" Bussell (my dog has a grill...I love it)

In loux of the tornados Arkansas received this week, I decided that my Monday topic was going to be safety. You may say "boring," but I personally value my life a little bit and yours as, well so I tried to throw in some tips to remember when you're out having your fun....some things you may not think about...some you might.
  1. (IF you're a parent or taking a child out for Halloween) As bad as it sounds, this is just a fact of life now. Get on the internet and check your local state website for sex offenders. Almost every state has one, just do a search for your state sex offender site. Look up your zip code and it should have a list of registered offenders in your area that includes street addresses. Make sure that your kids stay away from these houses!
  2. This tip can help you OR your child: pick out or make a costume that will be safe. Make sure that it's fire proof or treated with fire retardant. If they/you are wearing a mask of any kind, make sure that the eye holes are large enough for good peripheral vision. It's also not a bad idea to make sure your costume is bright and reflective.
  3. Beleive it or astounding number of people use Halloween to hurt cats. Animal cruelty should not be tolerated under ANY circumstance. It is also punishable by law, so if you are aware of this activity it is your responsibility to report it to authorities.
  4. Eat a filling dinner before hitting up any trick-or-treating or Halloween party. Nutrition is your safety net!
  5. For your home: check outdoor lights and sweep walk areas -- especially wet leaves...nobody wants a lawsuit before Christmas!

I do wish you all tons of fun this Halloween! Any other tips people don't often think of? Stay tuned tomorrow for an eco-friendly Halloween, and Wednesday for fun Halloween treats!

****P.S. Boo at the Zoo (Little Rock Zoo) sent me a special offer for 57% off tickets. Here's the website if you're interested.

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