Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ramalama Bang Bang

To put some things in perspective (on top of everything else that's going on this time of year) I have dance practice for at least 2 hours FOUR nights this week....yes it's killing me...but it's for an amazing cause! It's called E-Troupe and it's through New Life Church. It started out as a small group made to perform for college services to show that God gives us all talents and we are to use them to serve him. Eventually, we became in very high demand (3 different dances for 3 different events in 2 months...yikes!) after this performance at a women's conference. Our last performance (also at a women's conference) here was about holding on to your dreams. For the record...that was not our best was cut quite short because this was just a sample we cut down for elevation. Anyway, now we're working on a high school conference and we're performing THRILLLER!!!!! yay!!! I can't wait to show you the results. In the mean time...I will leave you with one of my favorite dances of all my favorite choreographer, Wade the spirit of the season:) enjoy.

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