Tuesday, October 20, 2009

These are my Confessions

Ok....I do have a confession....one reason I'm going to be such a bad blogger is because it's my favorite time of year...no not Halloween actually....MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL POSTSEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Want to know why this season is so special?? THE YANKEES ARE BACK!!!!! (seriously...not enough exclamation points for this blog). Anyway....it's taking over my life...but I have to support my future lover, right??In the time it took me to upload those photographs....(they're legit btw...we're dating) A-Rod hit a homerun....*sigh* amazing! Can you tell I"m having fun with photoshop?? ....what?....Zack who?? OH! my boyfriend....yeah he's still around.... I should let you know that he admitted that he actually wouldn't be mad if i left him for A-Rod...but that's the only person :) Don't worry! I love my Zack, for him, my heart will always go on!
***If you can't pick up on it, this post is dedicated to my new found hobby with photoshop, I hope you enjoy!!! any other ideas???...and Zack wants me to throw in the disclaimer that he hates this photo of him....just so you know:) Ain't he cuuutte??? *** Have a happy Tuesday!

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