Monday, October 26, 2009

A Day to Celebrate.

October 25, 2008 my baby girl Snoopy "Hoodrat" Bussell was born (yes, she danced to "In the club" by 50 cent). Only a few people realize why this is so significant. That dog has seriously filled a major void in my heart -- I know you've probably heard this before...but she is my child, my baby. I love her so much...every since the first time I saw her
Yes...that is a genuine reaction..she snuck up on me from behind and I didn't get too excited until I found out she was mine for sure :) So how does one celebrate a dogs birthday??? Well we started by cooking eggs, bacon, and bisquits for breakfast and allowing her to have some. Then, I bought her a chef michaels dog meal (with veggies) for her dinner....she loved it.... Then came the presents! She hated her last dog bed because it was too big for her so I bought her a dog bed that is PERFECTLY sized for her. We've also noticed that she loves carrying around fuzzy "babies" (usually stuffed bears and what not) that are the same size as her. So I bought her a stuffed racoon, she literally has not let it out of her sight.
See those cute little balls at the bottom? Zack Zack (yes, that's what she calls him and knows him by) bought those for her! She loves tennis balls but can't ever grab them in her little they squeek...which she loves!
I'd say they were a hit ( cute is she???). Plus Zack Zack brought her a vanilla ice cream cone (now you see why he's her favorite). I loved it because she slept GREAT that night!
Overall, I think she had a great birthday! So am I the only one who celebrate's their animals bdays?? What do you guys do? Ps....if you think I'm crazy, know that nothing is too over the top for my baby!:) Happy Birthday, Snoop!


  1. You're not crazy I promise! If I could Lilly Jane could have cool treats like that for her bday I would give her some, no questions asked. But, they don't make things like that for fish. Sad.

  2. I think it's a perfect birthday!! I only wish that I had a little puppy to dote over, or actually, a bunny. If turtle was still here, I'd celebrate his birthday with cilantro, cucumbers and baby carrots! (his favorites!)

    On a cute note, me and hannah went to the pet store when I was in town this weekend and the pet beagle was yelping and howling and when no one picked her up or paid attention to her, she laid down and SULKED. Beagles are so expressive!!
