These are simply, folgers or regular canned goods. All you do is take a hammer, nail, and make the pattern of your choice. Add a candle (soy preferrably) and line your sidewalk! Cute and Simple..which is always a plus here! Where else do you think would be a great place to put these??
We love christmas tress...but how about a Halloween tree? Pick out a branch of your liking. Spray paint it black and stick it in a pot. The black rocks can be purchased from the craft section of Walmart. then add some cute little bags as ornaments! Why not fill them with your favorite treats and enjoy your own 13 days of Halloween? It's also a fun countdown, don't you think?
What a fun twist on the an old classic! paint cute light fixtures on a pumpkin and let your light shine through! Want a real challenge? try to make a chandelier!! (I might try to tackle this one):)
I LOVE these, I am definitley making one of these with my Pumpkin Carving Kit ($3.99 at Kroger's!). What an awesome way to display Your initials! Get creative!!! How about your house number?? :)
I have to write about these first, my mom use to make these for me and it brought back some great memories. they are just lolipops with a white napkin tied over them...they were my favorite:) miss you mom!
My boo loves ribs, how cute is this idea??? simply yet very seasonal!!
How cute is this cake??? I will more than likely make it and
let you know how it goes!!!
Omg I LOVE ALL OF THESE IDEAS! Especially the pumpkin ones! We have alot of space in between plants in our flower bed (you'd know that if you'd visit the house!!!) So I've though about lacing the beds with pumpkins and making my own pumpking patch. Perhaps I'll make them spell our last name! I'll keep you updated because I plan on being really crafty for Halloween! :)