Here is my "mantle." These lanterns actually can be plugged in to light up, but I never use them for that. their main purpose is to cover up some of our surround sound speaker. Nifty trick, eh? Like I've told you before, I'm not big on decorating for Halloween or thanksgiving. So i can save some dollas by simply turning these Jack-O-Lanterns around to be pumkins again. As for what I will do for the middle section...wait until October ;)
Here is my enterence way table. Simple...and easy transition into Thanksgiving :)
Here is my candy bowl!!! I got it at Hobby Lobby for 1/2 off!!! Do you see the Febreeze air effects can in the back?? That is a special Harvest scent and it really puts you in the season!!! It actually last a good while as well!
Sorry this one is so messy (he's clean now) This is a soap dispenser I picked up at Bath and Body works last year. Isn't he cute?? :)
That's about it!! sometime (hopefully tomorrow) I will post about my porch decoration....and my pumpkin carving adventures!! Do ya'll have any great decorating suggestions?? ps..i need a halloween outfit...suggestions????? Oh.. and my strange status? here's where it's from :)
Fill your bowl with your fav. halloween candy! YUM!!!!!! I like candy corn, do you? I could eat them all year around! I like the ones that are brown, orange and yellow instead of white, orange and yellow, because the brown is choc-o-late!Halloween suggetions, well J and I had talked about being Patty Mayonaise and Doug, but that plan fell through because we have 3 parties to attend within todays and one is at my work where we are all comming as the cast of Alice in Wonderland. But feel free to take the Patty Mayonaise and Doug idea if you want! :)