Saturday, January 30, 2010

Color my world

It's been so long, and I haven't seen your face, I gotta be strong, but the strength I have is washing away. Yes I'm dedicating that song to my blog. Let see if we can fit in a few randoms to swiftly update you with my life, shall we?

*Takes a hit of the inhaler*

-I've pretty much decided that Robin Thicke might give my love of Brian McKnight a run for its money....must. have. his. "sex therapy."album. NOW.

-Guess who gets to work on a real live Hollywood movie set next week??????? Yeah...its'm not kidding. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. EEEEKK!!

-I would like to take this time to thank HP Pavilion 6500 for their DYNAMITE batteries and AC adapters....I"m going on #3 for each right now...explaining my gaps in blogging.

OK so on to blogging.

I've talked to a few people ask me questions about Photoshop and well....I suck. Actually, at this point I'm just bad, I don't suck anymore because I learned a few skillz, ya'll!

I believe it is called "colorsplash"

and here is what it does:

See how everything is in black and white except me and Snoop? (ps...this is the moment we met)

There is a great blog I love to follow called All Bower Power and Katie (the mastermind) actually created the little tutorial on it. Just click on the link above to see that post. Now Katie is a little more meticulous than was, but at least you can get the basic idea. Plus, she also links you up with an A-MAZing blog by Pioneer woman (Summer...I imagine you will love this blog). Anyway, it will take you through few steps such as these:

and you could end up with something like the first picture I posted...or maybe you would like to make one of you and your Shawty like this one:So what's the verdict? love? hate? need more? did you miss me?? spill it!

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