Friday, March 12, 2010

I'd Like to Thank the Academy....

Looky here what I done got! My dear friend, Kelsey, over at Writing Left Handed sent me my very first award! How special do I feel (yes, that was a statement, not a question)!

When accepting this award, I also accepted the rules that came with it:

1. Post this award.......did I pass???

2. Thank the person that gave it to you: Kelsey, you're a baller...Thanks, Lady!

3. Pass this award on to seven people that you think embody the spirit Kreative Blogger Award
(they are listed below)

4. Name 7 things about yourself that others do not know about you. (also below)

5. Notify the 7 other bloggers and post a link to their blog. (OK!)

OK...So a little about me first:

I would first like to note that this is REALLY hard because I'm an open book. I could list tons of random facts like my love of severe storms (and tornadoes!), my love for my mini beagle, my obsession with Michael Jackson...etc.

1. I'm actually a really good cook. I could brag about myself for a while but here's an example: Zack hated and refused to eat seafood before we dated. Now, it's his favorite food. I'm pretty effin much that he suggested I put this one on the list (your welcome, boo). Summer, this is your chance to brag about how great my homemade salsa is.

2. I really miss my Labrador, Jericho, who passed away last year. Someone even made me bawl one time because they told me there wasn't a doggy heaven. He was everything a dog should be.

3. I should probably move to Thailand or Japan. That is my idea of a beautiful, simple, peaceful life. I love the structures and lush vegetation, the simple people and sparkling oceans (if you can't tell by my layout). I've been reading about feng shui (not in the religious aspect) but for the serenity aspect...I'm more curious. Anyway, I love it and that is what brings me to my next point...

4. I meditate. No really, as insane and out there as it sounds it has changed my life. It's not all the Indian style sitting and "ommm"....even though I do enjoy that. It's about getting your head clear in a place where you feel like there is no effort for your body to be here. It leaves me feeling rejuvenated, inspired, and ready to take on the world.

5. Billie Jean is not my lover. ( Michael Jackson obsession continues)

6. I once almost died from of the worst times in my life and I can remember it clear as day.....even though any other time I'd have the memory of a goldfish.....

7. Sometimes I can actually smell what the Rock is cooking.

WHEW!! I feel so narcissistic now! On to people I love!!

1. Erin at A person's a person no matter how small -- she's feisty and gorgeous...a dangerous combo!
2. My best friend foreverest, B. Millaaaaa over at Arteestic (seriously....if you're not following're insane).
3.My girl, Jennifer, over at A day in Jenn Jenn's shoes . She's smart and has a unique outlook on life....a very interesting young lady!
4. My dear, dear friend Summer at Colclasure Charm. One of the most encouraging and loving people I have ever met...its why I love her so much.
5. Kaley at Something to Cheer about...she's one of the prettiest and healthiest people I know, If your wanting to enhance these areas of your life...her blog is for you.
6. My sorority sista, Ashley, at Dimples and far as crafts are concerned, she one of the most talented people I've ever encountered...she most def. deserves this award!
7. Last is a lady I do not know...but she seems like the alpha female...Pioneer woman....not kidding, check out her website, then tell 5 friends.

Well guys....I would like to say I promise I'll be a better blogger, but it's not true. Right now I'm in my last semester of school (which involves a $5000 campaign for Lions World Services for the Blind and taking up an enormous amount of my free time), working as a server, catering, working at my internship for a foundation, now teaching for my E-Troupe dance team, and filling free time applying for jobs, meeting with established PR professionals...etc. So there's my life but I do have some really great blogs coming up for you soon!! Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm just now seeing this...I accidentally commented on the wrong post!! Time to accept my award! (better late than never!)
