Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's Electrifyin'!

As you you all know, we received a ridiculous amount of snow/ice/madness from this weekend.... Now in Central Arkansas, the weather was a lovely winter wonderland. On the other hand, I saw that in Oklahoma, the same storm caused major power outages. It got me to thinking about how prepared I would be if the same happened to me? Hence: setting aside a small corner of my storage closet as my Emergency station.

as you can see my emergency corner comes complete with a bonafide emergency kit: complete with...well everything...every kind of bandaid and stitching device made for amateurs. I also have all my wraps and braces in the corner for people with bad joints like myself, two working flashlights, 2 umbrellas (in case we have to get to the breaker outside), 3 candles and a lighter. Also to the left of this area is my stack o' blankets on the left for cold-no-electricity-no-generator nights. For most emergency brochures they also tell you to have a battery radio on hand...but who has those anymore???

oh wait...

I do.

This stunna:

I'm a proud owner of the blue one. I will tell you that this was one of my favorite Christmas presents this year. They are fabulous! They work very well and just boost me right up to an "exceptional" in the emergency readiness department. schweet.

So do any of you kind folks have any extra tips or supplies you keep on standby?? Stay safe!

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