Saturday, December 12, 2009


We all know that Jesus is the reason for the season-- but sometimes we all need reminding. One of the best reminders I have in my house is my advent wreath. It is completely DIY and makes a lovely centerpiece for my table! So today I'm going to show you how to make your very own Advent Wreath!! Step right up!

If you're like me and your advent knowledge went as far as bringing mom a bundle of holly and candle from your Sunday School class, then you may want to check out yo knowledge huuurrrr.

STEP 1. Hide that greeeen!

I used a wreath shaped green foam board from Hobby Lobby. Then, covered the edge of it with red ribbon.

STEP 2: Insert candles and greenery

to keep it rather cheap I found a very small wreath to set tight on the top. Then stick 4 candles of your choice on the outside four "corners" and a large candle in the middle. I believe the website above suggests using purple candles, however; I prefer using red and white for two reasons ( has nothing to do with the Magnolia for you if that crossed your mind!). 1. I like to keep Christmas Traditional. 2. I wanted each of the four white candles to represent Jesus' love was in the purest form after all. The candle in the center (the one that stands for be lit on Christmas) Is red, to remind us of the sacrifice that the sweet baby we celebrate was destined to make. (Here is my favorite Christmas Song to go along with that btw!)

STEP 3: Well now we have to cover that awful Styrofoam now don't we??

I picked up some small sprays from Hobby Lobby...50% off I might add! I bought 2 to go in between each candle, and then four more for each place setting at my table.

And that's all, folks!!! Was an easy DIY to remind you to stop every week of December and celebrate! What's the word??? Do you have any DIY projects fo' Jesus??

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