Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Few quick updates:

1...Snoopy didn't make it to the semi final round of the bachelor but she's fine (to the left, to the left) thank you all for you support for my little baby!

2. Christmas decor...almost complete!!!!

3. This is mainly for my BFF Brittany ( I should let you know, that although we dont' get to talk much, everytime i get off the phone I sit in sadness because I miss you a lot....)
In case I haven't made it clear: THIS GIRL IS AMAZING. By FAR the most talented person I know (which is saying a lot, I know quit a few talented people!). Most people that know her know she's an amazing painter, sculpter, and drawer in general. What people don't know is that she has aquired some pretty mad computer skillz the past few years...especially in the graphic design area. I would really like to throw all of the life I can in my blog so she came up with a great idea: I would post all of the "skills" I would like to aquire toward my blog and she would herself answer each delima on her blog. (ps....that is her main blog but if you'd like to know more about the business side of Brittany check out her other blog here). Isn't she something??? She such a servant which is one reason I love her so stinkin much, because to be honest...she really doesn't have time for this.... I"M FREAKIN EXCITED, THOUGH!!! So Britt, here is my list (jump on it, you know i'm antsy when I'm excited)
1. (and most importantly) How to make
tabs across the top of my blog so it will look
more organized. (see example at
one of my favorite blogs here).
2. How to change my background, NOT
THAT I WANT TO (because you did
amazing)...I just want to know how
3. How to make lots of fun things on
the right side (ex...your workout
list, or the "favorites colomn on
the blog in list 1, or the wishlist
in the same blog, or a list of
webpages I find intersting, etc)
That's all I can think of for now but I will update the list I"M SURE, and I will let you know when I update're the best, love you!
FUN SIDE NOTE: If you're in the central Arkansas area this weekend, I will be working at Dazzle Daze. It is a HUUUUUUGE Christmas shopping convention with over 1000 booths that Conway Regional Markenting Department (my internship) hosts....let me know if you're interested!

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