Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fabric of my Life!

My desk chair was less than appealing.... I received all my bedroom furniture (desk, nightstand, and dresser) when my family bought their first house (I was in the 4th grade). Fortunately the templates on all the furniture was reversable (from baby pink to a light green). My chair, however, was less fortunate. So I skipped gayly down the street to Handcock Fabrics and picked out a thick fabric complementary to the color of my bed sheets with intentions to reupholster my chair. I can now announce that I am VERY pleased with the results. So here is my "how to" reupholster a chair.

Exhibit A: The drab before (do not ask me what the design is I have no clue; however, I can confirm that those ARE 80s colors).

Step 1: unscrew the screws holding on the seat and pop that baby right off! Lay the now removed seat upside down on the upside down fabric. Make sure all wrinkles are all smoothed out.

Step 2: get to work stapling the fabric around the seat. I got a $20 staple/nail gun at Home Depo. I like to do opposite sides first and I made sure that the frabric is just barely rapping around the bottom of the seat (this makes it much easier when you have to screw the seat back in). A few other things to remember during this step is to keep the fabric tight, stretched, and centered. That way there is no bulging or akwardness. To insure this, I like to staple 1-2 inches apart. Don't be afraid to pull the staples out and start over if this does happen, though. It will be ok. :)

Step 3: you'll wrap the corners just like you do a Christmas present (if you do not know how to do this then just play around with the fabric until you achieve your desired look.

Step 4: Screw the seat back into the chair. FYI, this is MUCH easier with a drill, which I have but left at Zack's house...and he is at work. On a positive note, I got a great tricept workout...your choice :)

Step 5: Step back and jump in the air like I did because you're finished and the chair looks 50X better!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
How much better does that look???? It would be even better if I could paint the chair while the seat was still off, but then it wouldn't match the rest of the furiture. The whole whole project took about an hour. it would have taken less time if I had my drill, and if I had help completing this project. That's right, I did it aaaallll by myself. Well almost.... I was inspired by the January 2006 issue of At Home In Arkansas magazine...and of course had a little help (or setback) from my furry BFF.
So what do ya'll think??? Any extra tips? Let me know about your experiences!

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