I found this blank plaque and got really excited! This particular piece is metal so I felt that Acrylic paint was best to use.
Exhibit A: The two colors I chose
I picked out the stencils that I felt fit the "look" I was going for and painted them VERY carefully!
Finally...I'm not a fan of "separated letters" so I very carefully filled in the lines
TA DA!!!!! The final product! So what do you think???? Oh....little note: The 1974 on the left side is the year my parents were married....I actually added it to balance out ;) What craft ideas do you all have? Kelsey gave me a great idea working with etch...here's how mine turned out:
I'm pleased with the result...Thanks for the idea, Kels! I have many more projects coming up...my friend Stephen and I will be doing a joint painting (we're going for a rocker theme), making a "doggie" station for snoopy (I need a nightstand, Salvation Army!! make it happen!) annndd (drumroll) I"m turning a very small room in Zack's house into a study room (he lives with 3 football players and the location of this room is perfect...I've got my mood board and I can't wait to see how it turns out!! We are just waiting on the OK from the landlord. So be looking out for those! Closing thoughts: Zack and I had a wonderful time kyaking (sp?) this weekend here's a pic:
precious huh? We are trying to go to every state park in Arkansas. This is at Woolly Hollow State Park and, not that we didn't have fun, but we may be a little bit more selective about our state parks now because Logaly looked good compared to this place. For now I'm going to eat my seafood stir (made completely from scratch by yours truly) and work on homework. I'll leave you with the song I'm listening to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiSkyEyBczU. Listen to the music....the video is really creepy and I don't like it. "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending" -- Maria Robinson.
I LOVE the plaque. I am extremely proud. *tear* and what is that etching about??