Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So I was on facebook the other night...I got a message from someone I haven't seen since high school, Isaiah. He is a workout fanatic!! So we got to talking about what would be best for me and what I like about him over most people is he actually talked to me about MY needs and wasn't real harsh because he understood how I felt. So my first "step" was to start running first thing in the morning...and you know what? It hasn't been that hard! I actually feel a lot better throughout the day. So I just went on a run outside of the neighborhood and then took Snoopy for a run. Then I came back and made a ham, swiss cheese, lettuce, red wine viniger sandwhich...I forget how good those are...yuuum. I'm going to try to get back into the yoga at nightime too. I was hardcore into that my freshman year and I loved it!! My figure changed and I had more stamina. Now that I am mentally happy I think it can just elevate my health. (I'm saving the Mental happiness post for another time...I really want to talk about it but I"m just not ready). So anyway, I'm just trying to be my best self. It's hit me that this is my last year in college and I really want to grasp the full experience...I'm going to stay busy! Oh! I have also decided to stay in the duplex I am currently in for another year, which means that instead of moving the first week of August, I am going to PHYCHO clean! take one day and organize every inch of the house. Then take the next day to basically clorox the entire house. I'm actually very excited!!! :D So what's on for today? I'm about to pick up my room, take a shower, and head to work! So stay fly! and have a grrreeeeat day!

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